Local Development Plan 2 (LDP 2)
You will find the most up to date information about LDP 2 on this page including details of ongoing consultations and the latest LDP Newsletter.

The council has begun the process of preparing a new Local Development Plan for West Lothian - LDP 2. The new plan will set out planning policies and proposals for the use and development of land across West Lothian for a period of 10 years. A timetable for the preparation of LDP 2 has been published as part of the Local Development Plan Scheme No.16
LDP 2 Consultations and engagement
The first stage of preparing a new Local Development Plan is to set out the evidence base in an Evidence Report.
We are currently engaging on the evidence base, as set out in the topic schedules and background papers below, which will inform the council's next Local Development Plan.
The Scottish Government require us to engage on this evidence base to identify whether stakeholders agree with, or dispute, our evidence base. This engagement exercise runs until Friday 28th February 2025.
Any responses need to be submitted to wlldp@westlothian.gov.uk using the following form: Evidence Engagement Response Form (Word doc, 13 KB)(opens new window)
Note: please use separate forms for each schedule you are replying to, as we need to identify agreement and disputes for each topic schedule. Do not use one form for replying to multiple topic schedules.
You can view all previous consultations and engagements (now closed) by clicking on the tab below:
If you have any questions specifically relating to the preparation of LDP 2 the quickest and easiest way of contacting the Development Planning & Environment team is to send an email to wlldp@westlothian.gov.uk Alternatively, you can write to us at: Development Planning & Environment, Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6FF.
Keeping You Informed
You can also register your contact details with us and we will add you to a mailing list which is maintained specifically for advising of LDP 2 related matters. Please click here if you would like to subscribe. Receipt will ordinarily be acknowledged within 3 working days and your details will thereafter remain on this contact mailing list until the adoption of LDP 2 after which they will be removed.
NB: If you have already subscribed to be included on this contact mailing list since September 2018 you will not need to subscribe again. Key Agencies and Community Councils are also not required to subscribe as the council already holds these details.
There is now also the opportunity to subscribe to a new bespoke LDP 2 Newsletter. To register please go to the sign-up page.
NB: If you previously subscribed to the LDP Newsletter (which was created for LDP 1) your subscription will not have been automatically carried over and you will need to sign-up anew. All subscribers to the LDP 1 Newsletter were notified by email, but regrettably not all email addresses proved active. If you need help in subscribing to the new LDP 2 Newsletter please contact us.
In both instances please ensure you complete your contact details accurately and be aware that it is your responsibility to notify us if your contact details change. You can do this at any time by emailing wlldp@westlothian.gov.uk
For further information on how the information you provide will be used please read our Privacy Notice. Should you ever change your mind you can unsubscribe from the contact mailing list and the LDP 2 Newsletter by notifying us by email at wlldp@westlothian.gov.uk or writing to West Lothian Council, Development Planning & Environment, Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6FF.
Local Place Plans
If you have any questions about Local Place Plans please refer in the first instance to the Local Place Plans section of the website. However if you don't find the answer you need you can email the Development Planning and Environment team at wlldp@westlothgian.gov.uk who will be happy to help.
This page was last updated: 6 January 2025