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West Lothian Community Choices

Communities in West Lothian are being given the chance to influence how budgets in their area are allocated through a process called Community Choices.

Community Choices Image

Communities and service users in West Lothian have the chance to influence spending through a process called  Community Choices.  West Lothian Community Choices is West Lothian's version of Participatory Budgeting (opens new window) - a democratic process which empowers people and communities to have a greater say in how public money is spent.

West Lothian Community Choices empowers everyone from community groups to individual service users to get involved in local decision making via a democratic Participatory Budgeting process.

A number of Community Choices exercises will be undertaken throughout West Lothian, enabling local people to be more involved in decisions that affect them and their community. 

Community Choices can be carried out in lots of different ways ranging from public events to digital-only experiences. Digital engagement will be done via West Lothian Community Choices (opens new window) You can find more detail on the individual Community Choices projects using the tabs below or by going to our digital engagement platform West Lothian Community Choices (opens new window).

The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and the Scottish Government are supporting Participatory Budgeting as a tool for involving communities and as a way of building democracy locally. COSLA and The Democratic Society have produced a video about Mainstreaming Participatory Budgeting - 'Towards the Mainstream' (opens new window)

If you would like more information on Participatory Budgeting the PB Scotland Website (opens new window) has a whole range of resources available.

If you would like more information on West Lothian Community Choices email: (opens new window)


An image relating to Place Based Investment Fund Community Choices
This project is part of the wider Place Based Investment Programme in West Lothian. A budget of £189,000 has been allocated to be decided via Community Choices. Voting has now closed and the results can be found below.
An image relating to Blackburn Community Choices
Blackburn Community Choices is a process that enables local communities to decide how public funding is spent. £25,000 has been allocated to the community of Blackburn to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and families through Community Choices. This is a pilot project as part of the wider development of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in West Lothian.
Thank you to the local communities involved in voting for Community Choices Park Improvements! The voting has now closed and the top five priorities for each park is now available; King George V Playing Fields in Uphall, Bellsquarry Recreation Ground in Bellsquarry, Craigton Park in Winchburgh, Langton Park in East Calder and Letham Park in Pumpherston. Please click here for more information.
An image relating to Social Policy - Children and Families
Redesign of Supported Accommodation Services. Over the course of 2020 and 2021, the redesign of supported accommodation services has been progressed through a Community Choices approach via a Public Social Partnership (PSP) involving Social Policy, Housing, Customer and Building Services and other partners.
An image relating to Education - Pupil Equity Funding (PEF)
The PEF national guidance sets out information on how Community Choices can be used as an innovative and effective mechanism to engage with parents and pupils, in particular those who face barriers to participation.
An image relating to Operational Services - Grounds Maintenance
There is an opportunity, via Community Choices, to enable members of the community to influence the future work of the grounds maintenance service.
An image relating to Open Space - Public Art
A public engagement process has been undertaken for the design of public art for outside the new Whitburn Partnership Centre. We are now asking the community to select their favourite design.
There Tenants Environmental Project process gives local people the chance to influence how money can be spent on environmental improvements across a number of locations in West Lothian. This will allow communities to put forward project ideas for areas of housing land, for example ideas could range from community gardens and grow your own spaces to improving hedging and open spaces. The initial the focus was on areas of land around council owned housing areas in Blackburn, Whitburn & Bathgate. The first stage of the process ran from 2 August until 4 October when members of the public will be asked to submit their ideas which can then be considered for allocation of funds from the tenant's environmental improvement budget.
This participatory budgeting project, focus sing on the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act is a pilot as part of the wider development of Community Choices in West Lothian. Voting has now closed and the results can be found below.
An image relating to Craigshill Community Choices
Craigshill Community Choices is a process that enables the local community to decide how public funding is spent. It aims to improve the overall wellbeing of individuals and families in Craigshill through addressing key issues facing the community. This is a pilot project as part of the wider development of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in West Lothian.