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Park Improvements

Thank you to the local communities involved in voting for Community Choices Park Improvements! The voting has now closed and the top five priorities for each park is now available; King George V Playing Fields in Uphall, Bellsquarry Recreation Ground in Bellsquarry, Craigton Park in Winchburgh, Langton Park in East Calder and Letham Park in Pumpherston. Please click here for more information.

A community choices process was launched to consult and engage with communities on park improvements at various parks within West Lothian that are identified for improvements as part of the councils capital investment programme. The parks are:

  • King George V Playing Fields, Uphall
  • Bellsquarry Recreation Ground, Bellsquarry, Livingston
  • Craigton Park, Winchburgh
  • Langton Park, East Calder
  • Letham Park, Pumpherston

Community Choices Image
The process has been undertaken in stages. Stage one involved a community survey which was undertaken during November 2020, this information was then used to prepare a report on the park with a plan of improvement during the start of 2021.

Stage two of the community choices process involved the communities voting on the priorities of the park improvements and was undertaken during March - May 2021. The  top five priorities for each park is listed below, please note this is not the full list of the park improvements that will be undertaken but shows the similarities and differences between the top priority improvements to be undertaken in each park:


King George V Playing Fields, Uphall

1. Review/ relocate / replace bins

2. Informal tree planting in the south of park (community project)

3. Formal tree planting along paths 

4. Replace existing benches at playpark and add benches throughout park

5. Install up to 5 pieces of outdoor gym equipment with safer surfacing 


Bellsquarry Recreation Ground, Bellsquarry, Livingston

1. Hedge planting (community project)

2. Resurface existing amber gravel path

3. Review bins

4. High density bulb planting, with wildflower seeding

5. Relocate memorial bench and install 3 new benches     


Craigton Park, Winchburgh

1. Formal tree planting

2. Replace and relocate bins

3. Floodlighting

4. Install 3 new benches

5. Drainage on old path to skatepark     


Langton Park, East Calder

1. Replace dog bin and missing burnt bin with new combined bins

2. Informal tree planting - to create 2-3m buffer between gardens and park (community project)

3. Install new benches on paths at play area

4. High density bulb planting

5. Cut back any overgrown vegetation from paths


Letham Park, Pumpherston

1. Rain garden

2. New whindust path around the park to improve access around park

3. Stepping stones

4. Tree / shrub planting in park

5. Park drainage - for paths and woodland                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

The next stage is to get quotes for the work, then to prepare tender documentation and to tender for the planned works with the improvements to be undertaken for completion by March 2022.

Thank you to everyone who was involved in the process, more information can be found at West Lothian Community Choices (opens new window)

If you have any queries regarding the above parks please contact Becky Plunkett via email (

If you have any queries regarding the community choices process for park improvements or any other community choices queries please contact via email to