Ensuring that our service operates in a fair and equal way
Housing, Customer and Building Services provide a wide range of services to people throughout West Lothian. We take care to ensure everyone has the same chance to access our services and that these meet the needs of our customers.
The Equality Act 2010 protects people from being discriminated against by service providers, and we uphold the principles of the Human Rights Act 1998, which are relevant to housing and property:
The right to own, and enjoy the ownership of, property
When we change a service, or we introduce something new, we assess the impact this will have on new and existing service users. To do this, we involve the public, tenants and residents, and local equality representatives to ensure what we do will not have an unfairly negative impact on any one group of people over another. You can also read a summary of these assessments found in the Related Documents section of this page, or you can request a copy of the by contacting the CIS/Customer Service Centre on 01506 280000. All documents are available in Braille, large print or community languages.
We can provide all our information in a variety of formats and languages; we can arrange for the translation of any required documents or forms within a reasonable timescale if required. Please refer to the interpretation and translation (PDF, 267 KB)(opens new window) document for more information.