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Almondvale Park

The council allocated funds to Almondvale Park to upgrade it from 2014-17. We were also successful in gaining another 50% in funding from Sustrans to ensure that the park provides an attractive and lively outdoor recreation area in central Livingston. The park is now open to all. It includes an adventure playpark, measured health walk/run, an upgraded cyclepath (NCR 75), platforms to view the River Almond, wildflower meadows, wildlife information, artworks, new paths, benches and signs. It's just across the river from Livingston's shopping centre - pay it a visit!

Park Transformation 

See how the park has changed:

For more information about the artworks in the park, you can download a leaflet here:

For more information about the signposted walk/run, a copy of the sign on site can be viewed here:

Final Plans 
Amphitheatre Play Area

The final plan of the park can be viewed here:  

Consultation Feedback

Results from our first public consultation about the park:

Feedback from the first draft of the park improvement proposals:

Is it Working?

Now the park is complete, we will be monitoring its success through various surveys over the coming months.

In the meantime this survey by Sustrans, monitoring how people are travelling to/through the park, is very promising: