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School Work Placement Programme - information for parents/carers/guardians

In order to ensure that our young people gain insight, knowledge and skills around the world of work it is essential that they have access to authentic and relevant experiences.

Participating in onsite/online work placements, or a work inspiration activity (such as a site tour, a business challenge or a career talk) enables students to gain skills and insights into the fast-changing world of work to identify the relevance between their studies and their employment options.

A successful work placement will:

  • Motivate/engage students
  • Provide an opportunity to gain an additional qualification
  • Allow students to make better informed career choices
  • Have a positive effect on students' post school destinations
  • Improve students' employability skills

More information on the West Lothian Work Placement Programme:

  • School students S4-S6 may undertake a placement at any time of year. Schools take a flexible approach - generally targeting those who require the opportunity at a particular time within the Senior Phase.
    E.g. a student in S5 who is leaving in the summer may require an opportunity from the programme to support their successful transition from school.
    students who require an experience for their next steps - Further/Higher Education or Apprenticeship applications.
  • Placements may take many forms, ranging from a few hours a week to something longer term, depending on the availability of the employer and the circumstances of the student.
  • Placements are advertised on 'WorkIt' - or students may organise their own placement, using their own network.
  • All placements undergo a pre-placement check before approval.

Arranging a Work Placement

If your child is interested in a work placement they should speak to their school's Work Experience Coordinator who will discuss their options and agree their next steps.