Taxibus 2
Information regarding Taxibus 2 serving around the Roman Camp & Drumshoreland to Broxburn.
Taxibus 2 is available to book journeys from within the highlighted area on the map below to bus stops on Broxburn Main Street between the Police Station (A) and the Swimming Pool (B) and the reverse.
Service Area Coverage

Taxibus 2 is available to book journeys from the following postcode areas around the Roman Camp & Drumshoreland area to bus stops on Broxburn Main Street between the Police Station and the Swimming Pool and the reverse.
EH52 5NS | EH52 5NZ | EH52 5PB | EH52 5PD |
EH52 5PE | EH52 5PF | EH52 5PG | EH52 5PH |
EH52 5PJ | EH52 5PL | EH53 5PQ | EH53 0HR |
EH53 0LH |
Journeys should be booked at least one hour before intended travel and can be booked for arrival/departure in Broxburn Monday - Saturday at the following times:
07:30 | 08:30 | 09:30 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 12:30 | 13:30 |
14:30 | 15:30 | 16:30 | 17:30 | 18:30 | 19:30 |
Booking Information
When booking your journey, please advise the call handler which bus stop you intend to use, and they will confirm your pick-up time.
Fares Information
Adult fares are set at £2.00 Child fares are £1.00. Concessionary bus pass holders will be able to travel for free on the service.
To book a journey please call: All The Fours on 01506 44 44 44.