Consultations over school catchment changes for Livingston and Bathgate
Views are wanted over plans to change school catchment areas for potential development sites in Livingston and Bathgate
Former council sites at Eagle Brae in Livingston and Guildiehaugh in Bathgate are due to be redeveloped after they were no longer required for service delivery.
However, the non-denominational primary schools they are currently zoned for, Harrysmuir and Simpson respectively, are full, or close to full.
To enable the sites to be redeveloped, the council is looking for views on changing the catchments to Toronto and Boghall primaries respectively.
For more information, please visit
The Eagle Brae consultation runs until 5pm on Friday 2 April 2021. A virtual public meeting to discuss the consultation document will be via zoom on Thursday March 4 2021 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
The Guildiehaugh consultation runs until 5pm on Friday 2 April 2021. A virtual public meeting will be held on Thursday March 11 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
Links to both meetings can be found on the council website via the link above.
Hard copies of the consultation documents are also available by contacting Catherine Campbell, Senior Education Development Officer by emailing or writing to her at Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, EH54 6FF.
Comments on the consultations can also be submitted via the contact information above.
A decision on the proposals will be made by the council's Education Executive, based on feedback received from all stakeholders and Education Scotland.