About the Community Planning Partnership
West Lothian Community Planning Partnership was established in 1999 and now includes 21 partner organisations
West Lothian Council, NHS Lothian, Scottish Enterprise, West Lothian IJB, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian, West Lothian College, Scotland's Rural College, West Lothian Chamber of Commerce, Scottish Water, JobCentreplus, West Lothian Leisure, West Lothian Joint Forum of Community Councils, Skills Development Scotland ,SEStran, NatureScot, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Historic Environment Scotland, Scottish Sports Council, Visit Scotland and Registered Social Landlords.
West Lothian Community Planning Partnership is a mature, strategic alliance which has demonstrated a strong sense of understanding of the priorities for West Lothian within our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2023-2033.
Participation Requests - Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act
Participation requests are one part of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
They allow community bodies to ask the Council, or other public authorities, to be involved in decisions and put forward their ideas for how services could be changed to improve outcomes for their community.
Information has been developed on the West Lothian Participation Request process.. To find out more about participation requests please contact community.planning@westlothian.gov.uk
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 requires CPPs to prepare and publish a local outcomes improvement plan (LOIP), setting out the local outcomes the CPP will prioritise. The CPP Board agreed that what was the Single Outcome Agreement met the requirements outlined in the Act and, as such, agreed to adopt this as its Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. A few minor changes have been made and you can view the updated Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window) here.
Locality Plans
CPPs are also required to prepare and publish locality plans, focusing on areas experiencing poorer outcomes.
The localities we are covering in West Lothian are based on those in the bottom 20% SIMD. There are six Locality Plans that cover the 13 areas of multiple deprivation in West Lothian. They are
- Armadale
- Bathgate
- Whitburn and Blackburn
- Bridgend
- Livingston
- Fauldhouse Breich Valley (Fauldhouse, Stoneyburn, Addiewell, Polbeth)
Each area has an established steering groups to take forward the Locality Plan.
West Lothian Community Planning Partnership Board
The Community Planning Partnership Board consists of senior representatives of all partner agencies. It meets four times a year, is chaired by the Deputy Leader of the Council and provides the strategic leadership for the Partnership. If you would like any further details about the content of the minutes, please contact the Community Planning Team.
Community Planning Steering Group
The Community Planning Steering Group consists of senior representatives from 5 partner agencies. It meets four times a year, 2 weeks prior to the Community Planning Board, and is chaired by the Councils Chief Executive. The Steering Group progresses work on behalf of the CP Board and oversees performance management in relation to the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.
The Partnership's Terms of Reference gives more details about the Partnership itself and the roles and responsibilities of the groups within the Community Planning Strategic Structure (PDF, 55 KB)(opens new window).
Community Planning Development
We have agreed that the focus of our CPP development for the foreseeable future will be on developing the partnership's capacity to deliver the outcomes set out in the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.