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Health and Safety Service Plan

In order to meet the requirements of the National Local Authority Enforcement Code, West Lothian Council is required to develop and approve an annual health and safety service plan.

A safe working environment is something many would take for granted. There is unfortunately significant confusion created by those who use health and safety as an excuse to avoid any type of risk.

Very little of this has any bearing on real issues of health and safety and the necessary controls which should be in place to protect workers and members of the public. Ridiculous health and safety excuses grab headlines whilst essential work in protecting workers and the public goes largely unnoticed.

Local authority enforcement officers and the Health and Safety Executive have shared responsibility for ensuring public and worker protection throughout the UK. The consequences of workplace accidents, ill health and fatalities are a significant burden on public health and the economy. Sensible, proportionate and firm management of health and safety is essential for everyone's benefit.

The plan outlines how health and safety will be monitored and enforced within West Lothian businesses and other regulated activities.

Whilst the main responsibility for ensuring health and safety remains with the businesses and individuals who create the risk, environmental health officers have a statutory duty in ensuring effective risk management, supporting businesses, protecting the West Lothian community, and contributing to the wider public health agenda.