Animal Welfare
This page provides some details on the animal control and related welfare issues delivered by the Environmental Health and Trading Standards service. If your concern is related to the welfare of an animal that you believe to be in distress or neglected we would advise you first contact the Scottish SPCA on 03000 999 999. Please remember that the Scottish SPCA is a charity with limited resources and should only be contacted with genuine animal welfare concerns.
The service deals with a large volume of concerns, requests and enquiries. It enforces various pieces of dog control and animal welfare related law. Local authority officers will carry out inspections and licensing of local businesses where live animals are kept, including pet shops, boarding establishments, dog breeders and riding establishments.
Due to the wide variety of work carried out within the Environmental Health and Trading Standards service, responses are prioritised. This means that at busy times, only the most important cases can be tackled. The service priorities deal with matters relating to public health and safety. We cannot routinely respond to general animal welfare enquiries and will only do so when other higher priority work permits.